There are many factors in your daily life which can disrupt your optimal hormone balance, from an increase in stress levels to just growing older. The symptoms of the resulting imbalance can have a very detrimental effect on your life. You may feel tired all the time or have difficulty sleeping. You may experience hot flashes or night sweats, or your libido or even digestion may suffer.

There’s not a lot you can do to prevent hormonal imbalances – as you age, your hormone levels will fluctuate and decline – but you can restore proper hormone balance through natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. And once your hormones are in harmony again, those pesky symptoms will usually disappear.

The Benefits of Balanced Hormones

Once your hormones are naturally balanced, you’ll feel much better. You’ll feel younger, more energized and more emotionally settled. Hormonal balance can have an effect on other efforts to improve your health, as well – when your hormones are optimally balanced, you’ll see much greater benefits to eating right and exercising!

Balancing your hormones is a crucial step to attaining optimal overall health. Hormones are the chemical messengers of your body, so when they’re properly balanced and functioning, all of you body systems work more smoothly.

Finding the Right Balance

So how can you balance hormones naturally? Physician and staff at Beautiful Orlando are here to guide you! With accurate testing, and medical supervision, you can discover your current hormone levels. And then, using a combination of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, nutrition plans and fitness guidance, your Beautiful Orlando physician can help you achieve natural hormone balance and feel better than you’ve felt in years.